Roles and Responsibilities
After a rigorous voting process in our school elections, many worthy candidates were elected to take to the roles.
Meet our school representatives... |
The Head Boy and Head girl will meet with Mrs Brown and will support school in developing new ideas and projects and discuss any current issues and developments. |
School Parliament will meet with Mrs Brown and discuss how we can change and improve our school and the local community. |
Each house has its own captains who take on the important role to lead their team. They have many roles within school. |
Subject Champions Two pupils have been selected for each subject within the curriculum to lead and promote high quality teaching and learning in their subjects. |
The Librarians work with Miss Simpson and are responsible for ensuring our pupils have a wide range of books to access. |
. The Eco Champions will meet with Mrs Blackhurst and Mrs Tonge and ensure the school is aware of environmental issues and to help improve these issues around the school and community. |