At Cherry Dale Primary school, we believe that exposure to children’s literature within the primary school setting is vital as a rich context for learning. The teaching of writing is a priority across the curriculum. Our intent is for our children to have real reasons to write and be given opportunities to write frequently for a range of audiences and purposes - whether to describe, narrate, persuade, inform or instruct. By placing books at the core, we allow teachers to use high quality text as the context for planning meaningful writing opportunities for our pupils. Our aim is to expose pupils to texts which become increasingly more complex in terms of style, content and themes and teach children how to effectively use these as models for their own writing. The teaching of writing starts as soon as children enter our Nursery. Our aim is for all pupils to develop their proficiency in transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and language). We aim to ensure that pupils have automaticity in transcription early on so that they can focus their attention on the composition of their writing.
We intend for all pupils to master the components of how to plan, draft, revise, edit and publish so that they can become successful writers. Our ultimate intention is for all our pupils to write fluently and proficiently by the time they leave year 6 , so that pupils are ready for secondary school.
High Quality Writing Books EYFS -Y6
These are researched and carefully chosen texts that become increasingly complex in style and substantial in content and themes.
EYFS (Squiggle, dough/story disco and drawing club)
EYFS (Transcription - Handwriting)
EYFS/KS1 (Transcription - Spelling Word Time)
Red Words for reading and spelling
English Teaching Sequence (Spelling/grammar focus)
English Teaching Sequence - The Writing Process
Transcription (Spelling) overview Y1
Transcription (spelling) overview Y2
Transcription (Spelling) Overview Y3
Transcription (Spelling) Overview Y4
Transcription (Spelling) Overview Y5
Transcription (spelling) overview Y6
Handwriting Progression and Teaching Sequence