Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together

            Reading for Pleasure


Miss Simpson is our Reading Lead in school and she has completed the National Qualification in Leading Literacy. 

Our teachers and pupils at Cherry Dale love to read. Our teachers have an up to date knowledge of children's literature. High-quality books are at the heart of our school's reading curriculum. We have researched and carefully selected a wide range of high quality books to read and share together with our pupils in all year groups. Teachers read aloud to pupils daily. Each new book shared in an English lesson begins with a 'Hook for a Book.' This dramatic bound into a book enthuses and engages our pupils and creates a sense of excitement and trepidation. Teachers create the same sense of excitement for books shared in whole class reading sessions. All of our pupils from nursery to year 6 enjoy an end of day story each day which helps foster their love of reading. Teachers receive ongoing professional development to know how to make this dedicated time most powerful and a rich, daily reading experience for their pupils. 

Pupils are expected to read daily at home and record their reading in their planners. Pupils all encouraged to read widely. All pupils have a reading for pleasure book which they have chosen from our school library. 

Our teachers are influencers and recommend books for our pupils to read through book talk. Our pupils, reading leads and librarians are are also encouraged to recommend books to their peers. Challenges and reading events are built into our reading curriculum throughout the year.

Subject Leads also work closely with teachers to select books which children will read to develop their knowledge in wider curriculum subjects. 

Whole class reading books                    

High quality books for English                                                         

End of day story

Top 5O Reads for Nursery                                                           

Top 5O Reads for Reception

100 books to read before leaving KS1

100 books to read before leaving KS2


  •                                                                                 EYFS and KS1 Reading Challenge