Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together


 Geography Statement of Intent

At Cherry Dale Primary School, our geography curriculum is knowledge rich. As our pupils work through our knowledge rich curriculum, our aim is that they will know more and understand more about their local area, the UK, Europe and the World. It is our intent that our pupils will develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. Our geography curriculum enables our pupils to develop substantive and disciplinary knowledge which is transferable to other curriculum areas. We aim to build our pupils’ geographical knowledge and understanding in a way that builds on their prior knowledge, allowing them to make meaningful connections and gain an understanding of how our world is connected. Our curriculum structure helps pupils to deepen their understanding of physical and human geographical processes, fostering curiosity and fascination for the world they live in. We aim for our pupils to become more skilled at answering questions such as: what is it like to live in this place? What are the challenges of this environment? How have people changed this landscape over time? We seek to ensure that our pupils gain an understanding of what geographers do, what they look for and what they may say about a place. It is our intent that our pupils will discover explorers such as Roald Amundsen. 

It is our aim to ensure that our geography curriculum equips our pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people and environments. We seek to arm our pupils with powerful knowledge about the world around them  which helps them to develop a love for the subject of geography, and also recognise their own role in becoming a responsible global citizen.

Geography Rationale

Geography Curriculum Map

Geography Unit Overview

Geography National Curriculum Coverage 

Geography Teaching Sequence

Geography EYFS Progression

Geography KS1 and KS2 Progression

Geography End Points 

Geography Disciplinary Knowledge Progression

Geography Vocabulary 

Geography Wider Curriculum Books

 Geography Policy