Royston Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AA

01226 719700

Cherry Dale Primary School

Learn Together, Grow Together, Succeed Together

Art and Design

Art and Design Statement of Intent

It is our intent at Cherry Dale Primary School to provide our pupils with an ambitious art curriculum which is rich in knowledge. Our art curriculum is knowledge rich in terms of artists, architects and designers as well as the artistic concepts that relate to their work shown in different types and styles of art. We plan to provide meaningful opportunities for our pupils’ own self-expression and give our pupils time to learn who they are as an artist. We want all our pupils to focus on the different concepts of art (elements) such as line, visual texture, tone, form shape and colour and learn how an artist uses these different elements to produce art in different styles for example realistic or abstract. We strive to master the foundational concepts first. Our pupils are introduced to different concepts in art as early as Nursery. Opportunities to explore different media used to make art such as sculpture, architecture and painting are woven through our art curriculum. We want to ensure that every child can make connections between artists, architects and designers in history. We aim to do this by providing opportunities for our pupils to evaluate and relating back to the work they have studied previously.
Our ultimate aim is for our pupils to grow a love of the subject.

Curriculum Map Art

Art Rationale

National Curriculum Coverage

End points

Teaching Sequence 

Practical Knowledge Overview

Art Overview

Media and Materials


Cycle A  KS1 ART   

Cycle A LKS2 ART

Cycle A UKS2 ART

Cycle B KS1 ART

Cycle B LKS2 ART 

Cycle B UKS2 ART

Disciplinary Knowledge 

Art Progression Document

Art Vocabulary